Via Heise-Forum, User Advocadus Diaboli, fand ich diesen treffenden Beitrag:
In the safest, most boring country, the worst lone gunman shooting
happens. The worst in the world, in history. But it will not make our
country worse. The safe, boring democracy will supply him with a
defense lawyer as is his right. He will not get more than 21 years in
prison as is the maximum extent of the law. Our democracy does not
allow for enough punishment to satisfy my need for revenge, as is its
intention. We will not become worse, we will be better. We lived in a
land where this is possible, even easy. And we will keep living in a
land where this is possible, even easy. We are open, we are free and
we are together. We are vulnerable by choice. And we will keep on
like that, that’s how we want to live. We will not be worse because
of the worst. We must be good because of the best.
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